Hybrid Me was founded to help customers choose the very best products for the best price.
With customers all over the globe - if you know what you want you can buy directly in the online shop. Alternatively, please contact us and we'll be glad to chat with you about your requirements.
Golf mats and hitting strips
At Hybrid Me we love golf mats. We've tried so many over the years and we now stock the mats that offer the best combination of feel, performance and value.
Different sizes
1.5m x 1.5m mats for use as stance and/or hitting surface.
1.2m and 1.5m hitting strips to drop into flooring or pair up alongside stance mat if you prefer a low cost, replaceable hitting strip.
Selection of Launch Monitors
Selecting a Launch Monitor is a very important decision. We can advise based up on your needs and budget to make sure you choose one that is right for your space and also your needs.
We have referral programmes in place for Foresight Sports (GC2, GC3, GCQuad, GCHawk), SkyTrak, FlightScope(Mevo+) and can also source additional Launch Monitors such as Garmin R10, Rapsodo MLM2Pro, Uneekor or others.
Simulator Advice/Consultancy
There are many different options for a golf simulator and if it's just a little advice you need - please give us a call.
Why not book a full day with our Hybrid Me Director Phil (v8burble)?
Phil can work with you bouncing around ideas, pros and cons of different approaches and spend the day with you specifying and purchasing the key components you need whether that is metal tubing, angle iron, steel rope, shackles, hooks, bungees, tarp clips, artificial grass, impact screens, mats, projectors, PCs, TV/Monitors and the all important Launch Monitor.
You will be paying for Phil’s time and expertise but won’t be paying artificially inflated prices for any of the components and he will work with you to source the components you need from all across the web.
Please contact us if you have any questions at all about the products we sell.