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T40 hitting mat on right with nice stance on left

T40 hitting mat on right with nice stance on left

This is my own setup giving me a firm stance area and my favourite T40 hitting surface

T40 hitting mat 1.5m x 1.5m

T40 hitting mat 1.5m x 1.5m

My current choice of hitting surface

T40 hitting strip 30cm x 120cm

T40 hitting strip 30cm x 120cm

T40 hitting strip - great surface to hit and putt off

3D40 Range/stance mat - perfect for adding a firm stance mat alongside the T40 hitting surface

3D40 Range/stance mat - perfect for adding a firm stance mat alongside the T40 hitting surface

3D40 and range/stance mat surface

Golf Hitting Mats T40

If you've hit shots at a driving range you'll be familiar with the type of mat where the clubhead skids through and you end up with a great result regardless of strike.


In contrast, there are other thicker pile mats that offer a more realistic feel, encourage quality ball striking but are extremely punishing on fat shots and can be quite jarring on the body.

For the UK and European markets, Hybrid Me offers the T40 hitting mat.

It is a tee turf (approx 35mm thick including the foam shockpad backing) that accepts a real golf tee(although for simulator usage we recommend using tees that sit on the surface of the mat). We feel T40 provides a realistic feel for hitting down and through the surface at contact whilst providing excellent feedback on fat shots. They also provide a nice roll for putting so that you do not need to have two different surfaces for simulator usage. 


The original mat from Hybrid Me 'T35' was less dense but showed a wear pattern quite quickly where the fibers are softened.

The newer, T40 mat, is just a little more dense than T35 but is far more durable and doesn't show the same wear pattern. It is slightly firmer under foot and is more suitable for commercial usage too. It retains the nice feel of T35 and is now our recommendation for the majority of users.


Many golfers, including myself, like a firm stance area, to fully utilise the ground and to use the T40 for the hitting surface. This is where we offer a range of options depending on your plans so you can have the best of both worlds.


One option is simply to purchase a 1.5m x 1.5m range/stance mat that offers a durable, firm stance area and then just pair that up with a 1.5m x 1.5m T40 mat.


If you are looking to raise your subfloor using wood or foam/rubber tiles then you may simply want to drop a smaller hitting strip into your floor and just stand on whatever artificial turf you are placing down. Here - an affordable 30cm x 120cm or 30 x 150cm hitting strip of T40 will do the job nicely.



  • T40 mats are priced in the online shop


For a firmer stance mat and hitting area combined we have two suggestions:-

  1. Left or Right handed setup 1.5m x 1.5m T40 mat plus a 1.5m x 1.5m range/stance mat

  2. T40 left/right bundle (includes two 1.5m x 1.5m range/stance mats for left/right handed use plus a 0.3m x 1.5m T40 hitting strip which can be placed down the middle of the strips) 

These components can be ordered separately in the shop.


Please contact us to discuss the Hybrid Me mats and your requirements and we'll be glad to provide advice on which mats will best fit your needs.

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